Sunday, August 28, 2005

Do not attend weddings or funeral months B4 your own wedding

Do not attend another person’s weddings or funeral if you are having a wedding that is just round the corner. The suggested timeline is generally around 3 month. Some slightly more modern elders will suggest 1 month or so. Hee… The guideline is quite simple; if you have very pantang parents, in-laws, or your friend’s family is very pantang, then do not attend. They believe it will bring bad luck to both parties. Something about “clashing” luck ("相冲"). ;) We must respect our elderly, try not to do things that make them uncomfortable. ok?

PS. Usually the young and trendy Singaporean will still attend. They just make sure their elderly isn't aware of it. So make sure all your friends keep silent about your wedding plans when they are there. Opps! I hope they (the older ones) are not going to read this blog.


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